Tiny Tina Spoke to Me: The Value of In-Person Subculture Through Cosplay
What happens when an outsider visits an anime convention and finds more than he bargained for?
4 min read
Historic 4C Rin-and-Seri-lings: A Fever Dream Wrapped in Cats
This is not your average decklist article. When I have written articles on decks in the past, I have done extensive playtesting and research. I have put together…
4 min read
Days Undoing: The Great Relearning of MTG
The phrase goes that “there is nothing new under the sun”, but never was that more true than during the era where everything was new: the 1960s. Yes,…
4 min read
The Ultimate Reason for Alchemy in MTG: Perpetual Rotation
Ever since Wizards of the Coast announced the new format of Alchemy coming to Arena, there’s been a lot of discussion on what this format means for the…
4 min read
Just Sit In The Chair: Improvement is Like Amway
A long, long, LONG time ago, in my earliest years of adulthood (I’m an adult?), a family friend who also happened to be our local dry cleaner got…
4 min read
Welcome Back-Back: A Quick Summary of Where I Am
So, yeah. If you hadn’t noticed (and honestly, why would you have? I hadn’t mentioned this on any of my socials or on stream), I did not write…
4 min read