Focus Among The Flashing Lights: Deep Work and Gaming
Much of what has been written about focus and deep work exists to get you away from your games and into “real worK”. But how can focus help your gaming as well?
Much of what has been written about focus and deep work exists to get you away from your games and into “real worK”. But how can focus help your gaming as well?
This is not your average decklist article. When I have written articles on decks in the past, I have done extensive playtesting and research. I have put together the reasoning and explanation behind every card that I select. I have knowledge of what your sideboard should look like, and I have an idea of how […]
Ever since Wizards of the Coast announced the new format of Alchemy coming to Arena, there’s been a lot of discussion on what this format means for the future of MTG and the reasoning behind it. Some people are angry because of the extra money needed to cover the 30-60 playsets of rares and mythics […]
Everyone’s a critic, but some critics have easier jobs than others. It’s easy to see lots of things that Arena could improve or do better. Lord know the interface itself has taken many steps forward since the early days of Alpha play, and recently there has been a lot of focus on the bug and […]